Planning that next big trip is always exciting but the packing, not so much. Follow these three principles to pack like a pro and arrive at your destination stress free and prepared.
Packing Principle #1: Make a list (or 4)
Have you ever arrived at a destination to realize you forgot something really important? Or do you find packing the most stressful and overwhelming part of travel? Between traveling 75% of the time for work and now having two children and a summer cottage, I’ve perfected the packing process and it always starts with a list (or 4). My household can have up to 6 lists at any given time – one for each person (my two year old, my four year old, my husband and myself), one for food and drinks (when we’re traveling to the cottage) and now one for our puppy. I chose to print the lists back-to-back and laminate them so we can use a dry erase marker as I pack things. If you’d like to do the same here’s an inexpensive laminator from Amazon. Below is my list as an example, but you can click on the button below to get my Packing Lists for the Whole Family which includes a list for him, her, baby and chil.:

A few things to keep in mind as you make your list(s):
- Don’t forget to include the things you might not need every single time, but will likely need more than half the time. For example, I have swimsuit on my list. Will it be necessary for my Christmas travels to mom and dad’s? No. But I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stayed at a hotel and thought “Wow, I’d love to sit in a hot tub for 30 minutes after this long day” only to remember I don’t have a swimsuit with me.
- You can see I’ve added lines for incidentals. Sometimes you need to bring something unique to that trip (Christmas presents maybe? A gift for the host?). Extra lines allow for that.
- You might have completely different lists of items for work-related travel (computer, daily planner, chargers for all 8 devices you carry with you, suits, etc.) and personal travel (leggings, camera, booze, etc.). No problem! Just create 2 lists.
- Another critical aspect of making this list as helpful as possible is to start reviewing and thinking about it a day or two in advance
- Start noting those incidentals as you think of them
- Look up the weather to help you make choices about your wardrobe
- Start gathering items in advance when possible
- Do laundry to make sure you have your favorite items clean and ready for the trip
BONUS: Should you be short on time, a list helps you pack faster. I’ve also been able to hand my husband a list for our children to work on when he’s done with his own.
Packing Principle #2: Have Some Items Packed at All Times
Having a list is a great way to ensure you remember everything, but packing can still be time consuming and stressful. To reduce some of that stress, I also try to keep as much ready between trips to ease the stress. A few categories to think about:
Packing your own toiletries means higher quality products and being prepared for anything and everything. Some items you can keep in your travel case between trips:
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Daily hair products (serums, sprays, gels, etc.)
- Body wash (hotel soap either leaves your skin painfully dry or with a layer of *who knows what*)
- Mini toothpaste
- Mini floss
- Travel-sized deodorant
- Face moisturizer
- Make-up remover
- Comb/brush
- Razor
- Cotton balls and swabs
- Hair ties/bobbie pins
To keep everything TSA compliant and easily identifiable, I recommend purchasing this travel set from Amazon
Why I love it:
- It’s not even $10
- It keeps you at the beloved 3.4 ounce TSA stipulation and
- Can accommodate minute amounts of products (e.g. liquid foundation, face moisturizer, etc.).
- Includes 16 labels of common products
Medicines & vitamins. I use a daily pill case and just use each day for a different type of vitamin/medicine. Remember to re-stock it when you get low! It’s a miserable experience when you have terrible heartburn and only the dust of Tums in your pill holder!
Chargers. It could be as simple as one extra charger (think for both your iPad and iPhone) but make sure you have an AC adapter as well, just in case.
Jewelry. I keep a set of silver earrings, gold earrings and a simple but lovely necklace in my travel bag at all times.
Spare glasses and/or contacts. Make sure to have at least one spare contact for each eye. Side note: I learned this one the hard way! One time I had to drive 3 hours home from a meeting with one contact. The headache and nausea were awful. And, if you have them, a spare set of glasses. If you travel, like, A LOT, it may be worth purchasing a spare set.
And one final suggestion: Keep it all in a bag together and ready to go. I personally have one very similar to this one:
Why I love it:
- It’s easy to clean God forbid something leaks
- It folds up nicely to fit into my suitcase
- The elastic keeps the bottles in their place
- The hook at the top makes it easy to hang at my destination
Packing Principle #3: Keep It Organized
Whether it’s packing my own necessities or combining both of my sons’ luggage into one suitcase, organization is key. While some people love packing cubes, I prefer these hanging travel shelves. Each shelf can be a different wardrobe category (or person, in the case of my little ones) and it packs and unpacks in minutes.
It starts at $24.99 and is available in 7 colors and 2 sizes.
In summary, there are three keys to packing like a pro. Start with a list, have a few items ready to go at all times and keep it organized. Taking these steps will make your next trip a little easier. Safe travels!
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