adulting covid friendly activities

I think all of us are a bit “zoomed” out lately. Staring at the screen has left us fatigued and craving in person contact – even the introverts.  As the weather warms, we are able to leverage the great outdoors to offer opportunities to reconnect albeit at a safe distance. Below are eight activities that allow colleagues to connect and interact in a covid-friendly way. 

Enjoy a picnic 

This activity offers a lot of options. The picnic could be as small as two attendees or as large as the outdoor space can accommodate. Participants could space out on picnic tables or bring along the traditional blanket. And the food itself can either be a packed lunch or catered by the employer. 

Go to the zoo

Everyone loves a cute animal! This event could be organized and formal, complete with a tour guide or as casual as the employer purchasing tickets for employees for use on a specific date. This is also an opportunity to get the whole family involved!

Work out outdoors – From Zumba to yoga to a high intensity interval workout, there are plenty of options for moving while enjoying the great outdoors. Workouts could be hosted by local small business owners or even an employee with a passion for the activity.

Dust off the croquet set

With individual mallets and balls and outdoor setup, croquet is a fun activity for up to six people. Bonus points for being easy to set up and take down!

Go golfing

Golf can take many covid-friendly forms. You have the traditional 9 or 18 holes, but you also have the recent trend of foot golf as an option as well. Or minituraize the experience with good ole fashioned putt putt!

Take a hike

There’s little modification required to take a hike – just stay 6 feet away from your colleagues and add a mask for extra precaution.

Start an outdoor book club

Gather at a park to discuss a book of your choosing. This provides a great opportunity for colleagues to connect that might not otherwise (don’t we miss that?!)

Stand in line games

Have participants stand in line, six feet a part of course, by varying traits. Examples include height, time with the organization and birth date without the year. This is a fun icebreaker and get-to-know you activity for interns in particular.

Whether it be on campus or off, large or small, your employees will appreciate the connection to nature and each other. 

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