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Adulthood is especially lonely and cruel when you get sick and don’t have anyone else to take care of you. The key to making these challenging moments a bit more tolerable is preparation. Having the right items on hand not only means getting relief sooner, but also protecting those you would come into contact with along the way. Below are ten items* that can help you address nearly every ailment or injury.

Pain Relievers

From hangovers to the flu, having pain relievers in the cabinet can provide quick and effective relief for minor aches and pains. At a minimum you should have acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve). The duration of symptom relief is longer as you continue through the list, but you are required to eat with both the ibuprofen and naproxen to avoid stomach issues.

Allergy Treatment

Allergic reactions can come on quick, so having the right medicines handy is critical. Benadryl is the most common but can cause drowsiness. Clariton is a better choice for longer-term treatment and seasonal allergies. Finally, topical allergic reactions, usually presenting as rashes (including mosquito bites) can be treated with a hydrocortisone cream.

Cough Treatment

There are two key ways to treat a cough – one is to loosen the mucus and cough it out and the other is to suppress the cough. If you want to have more productive coughs from loosened mucus, you’ll want to take a guaifenesin (ex: Mucinex). However, if you want to suppress the cough, which might be necessary to get rest, common medicines are pseudoephedrine (ex: Sudafed) and dextromethorphan (ex: Dayquil).

Nasal Flushing 

Another discomfort from colds, flu and allergies can be a dry, runny or stuffy nose. Keeping a saline nasal spray on hand can help reduce dryness and the headaches they can sometimes cause. Another option, especially for a stuffy nose caused by excess mucus, is a Neti-pot which flushes the sinus cavities.


Heartburn can be very painful, but easily treated. Keep a container of Tums or Rolaids in your cabinet for relief.

Stomach Relief – General

Unfortunately heartburn isn’t the only stomach-related issue you can encounter. Pepto-Bismol has that catchy jingle (nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea) which is pretty useful when you’re having stomach issues and have some in the cabinet. To cover all of your bases, you will likely want to have stool softeners on hand as well.


Fever is the most common symptom of viral and bacterial infections. There are a variety of options out there but this one is especially useful for children and to prevent contamination.

Heat and Cold Packs

Aches and pains can really slow you down. Keeping a heating pad and ice pack on hand can help reduce discomfort. Applying heat increases blood flow and is best for chronic pain. If you have an injury, it’s best to apply cold treatment within the first 48 hours. Aches from exercise can be treated by alternating the two methods.

Antibiotic Ointment

A childhood classic is antibiotic ointment (ex: Neosporin). This ointment helps minor cuts and wounds heal faster and with less scarring especially when used in combination with a bandage.


To fully be prepared, it’s best to a buy a multi-pack like this one. Having a variety of shapes and sizes used in combination with the antibiotic treatment will keep the wound clean, dry and able to clot and heal quicker and easier.

Hopefully you don’t need to rely on any of these items too frequently, but in those rare events when you need them, you’ll be happy they are close at hand!

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