adulting best gifts for grads
adulting first aid kit

First Aid Kit

Injuries happen without notice, and having the right supplies on hand can mean a quicker, easier recovery. From bandages to ointments, a simple first aid kit will meet most minor needs. 

Want to prepare for illness as well? Check out my article Ten Items You Should Have In Your Medicine Cabinet.

adulting sewing kit

Sewing Kit

Buttons fall off. Hems come loose. And funds are probably too tight to replace slightly damaged clothing. A sewing kit will provide the basics to address the minor wear and tear that comes with long days at the office.

adulting toolkit gift


Having your own place often means getting furniture to fill it. But when something in that place breaks or it comes to building the furniture, you might find themselves empty handed. Gift a toolkit for building that new chair or hanging that family photo.

adulting car emergency kit

Car Emergency Kit

Americans take 1.1 billion trips a day. Each of these trips has the potential to go awry – preparation is as simple as a basic car kit that includes a first aid kit, jumping cables and a flashlight. (Bonus points if you can provide a few pointers on how to use the equipment in the kit too).

adulting kitchen utensils gift

Kitchen Utensils

When it comes to cooking and baking even the simplest of meals, you know the right tools are critical. From measuring spoons to serving spoons, a kitchen utensil set can make meal preparation a much easier (and tastier) process.

adulting glass storage containers gift

Glass Storage Containers

Money and time can be scarce when first getting establishing. Meal prepping is a practical solution for managing both – but that will require some place to store those meals. A collection of well-sealed glass containers of various sizes will keep your grad well-fed and their wallet a bit fuller too.

adulting command strips gift

Command Strip Multipack

From storage options to personal decorating, a multi-pack of command strips will provide an easy, damage-free and cost-effective solution. The strips can hold everything from pictures to towel hooks to measuring spoons and keep their new place organized, clean and attractive.

adulting personal finance crash course

Personal Finance Course

Want a gift that will last for the rest of their life? And can easily be sent electronically? Empower your favorite young adult with the skills to build a budget, file their taxes, repay student loans and more with our Personal Finance: A Crash Course

You’ve probably already invested time, money or energy into helping the recent graduate in your life to be successful. Give them a practical gift to help them be successful in this exciting new phase as well. 

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